Gee Gee Kettel ist professioneller Straßenmusiker. Ich habe ihn vor zig Jahren mal in einer Fußgängerzone gesehen und gleich CDs mitgenommen.^^
This is the bilingual version of a song from my new album "Lass uns auf die Reise gehn", featuring some of my favourite songs in German. It has been in my repertoire ever since I started to make a living as a busker and globetrotter in 1980, 44 long years ago. Back then I had no idea it would become the "theme song" of my life. And, as I usually introduce it when I play it, I never did regret to be: "Heute hier, morgen dort!" (Here today, tomorrow there) As a matter of fact, it was the best decision I ever took and it brought me a life of incredible freedom, adventure and material wellbeing, I could have never dreamt of having with any other kind of career. And the wheels are still rolling.....
Mit dieser Duplette habe ich nichts zu tun. ÄHNLICHEKEITEN SIND REIN ZUFÄLLIG. Ich bin und bleibe das ORGINAL